Saturday, May 22, 2010

Romeo And Juliet...Real or a Work of Fiction?

Is Romeo and Juliet based on a true story?

A lot of women wish this tragic love is true. That a man can love a woman so much that he gives his life for her. A lot of people also wish this story were a work of fiction. The tragedy breaks peoples hearts. They don't want to hear about the death in the world. You might be suprised to find that this story is in fact very true. Verona, Italy is a real place and the palaces of the Capulets and Montagues are there and open for tourisim. The great William Shakeshpeare actually found the story in a book called The Tragidous Histories of Romeous and Juliet. Yes, my poetic role model altered this story. Even though this is not an original, this story of love would not be known if our Willy didn't make it into a play and slightly edit the names and characters.