Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My (7th grade) Life Thus Far

Hey peeps!  What's up?  Well I did Cross Country, fell in love, and plan to do it for many more years to come!  You like my new font?  Sorry I havn't posted in like, forever, but I've been kept super busy but I've found time to read so I need to find time to update.  It's not like anyone reads this blog anyway so I don't really care.  So my day is going great and with the Christmas holidays coming up, It's very stressful to try to get all our work in and to pass exams.  7th grade is kind of scary.. OH!  Our band concert is tomorrow and I'm subbub exitied!  Oh new fave song!  Breakeven by the script.  I <3 it!  Life's been good lately and I'm not nearly as concerned with boys as I used to be, with all this work and stress.  My grandma's Christmas is in two days and I think I'm getting a kindle!  It'll be perfect because it's so hard to carry around my entire library in my bag so with my kindle I can have them all right there on that handy device that weighs as much as a half sized book.  Okay so list of classics I need to read pride and prejiduce is up next,  I've got Wuthering Heights down and I was on Gone witht he wind but it's so huge and for thsoe of you who have been keeping up with my A.R battle with Kade Darrow, you know I don't have the time to read a 1000 page book.  Yeah massive points but in the time I could read Gone With the Wind, I could have read nine books that equal twice that Gone with the Wind offers.  Okay I gotta go!  Class is almost over!  Love you guys and don't forget to find time to read, it's important for our developing brains!