Wednesday, December 15, 2010
My (7th grade) Life Thus Far
Hey peeps! What's up? Well I did Cross Country, fell in love, and plan to do it for many more years to come! You like my new font? Sorry I havn't posted in like, forever, but I've been kept super busy but I've found time to read so I need to find time to update. It's not like anyone reads this blog anyway so I don't really care. So my day is going great and with the Christmas holidays coming up, It's very stressful to try to get all our work in and to pass exams. 7th grade is kind of scary.. OH! Our band concert is tomorrow and I'm subbub exitied! Oh new fave song! Breakeven by the script. I <3 it! Life's been good lately and I'm not nearly as concerned with boys as I used to be, with all this work and stress. My grandma's Christmas is in two days and I think I'm getting a kindle! It'll be perfect because it's so hard to carry around my entire library in my bag so with my kindle I can have them all right there on that handy device that weighs as much as a half sized book. Okay so list of classics I need to read pride and prejiduce is up next, I've got Wuthering Heights down and I was on Gone witht he wind but it's so huge and for thsoe of you who have been keeping up with my A.R battle with Kade Darrow, you know I don't have the time to read a 1000 page book. Yeah massive points but in the time I could read Gone With the Wind, I could have read nine books that equal twice that Gone with the Wind offers. Okay I gotta go! Class is almost over! Love you guys and don't forget to find time to read, it's important for our developing brains!
Friday, September 24, 2010
I did it...and failed!
I asked him! the Boy I like that is and he said nooo.... But I only asked him to the dance so maybe there's still a chance..... I also found out that alot of people like him.... more than I thought. Like a lot. Even one of my friends! K signing off for now! Peace out fellow bloggers!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Is school cool? What is the concept of school? And why does my heart feel trampled everytime he looks at me?
Questions we have all asked ourselves!
A little story.
So I really like this guy, and we hung out...a lot last year, mainly in one specific class. Anyways, I felt certain he liked me, and I was sure I liked him, but know that school has started back he's barely said two words to me! When he looks at me it makes me want to cry! uggghhh ADVICE!?
Questions we have all asked ourselves!
A little story.
So I really like this guy, and we hung out...a lot last year, mainly in one specific class. Anyways, I felt certain he liked me, and I was sure I liked him, but know that school has started back he's barely said two words to me! When he looks at me it makes me want to cry! uggghhh ADVICE!?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Letters to my classmates....
Dear ____,
Your so awesome...but your popular. You keep telling me your gonna stop hanging out with those creeps but everyday at lunch you sit by the head popular,___. I really like you but you can't keep a promise. I doubt we'll ever be more than friends.I'm trying so hard not to fall head over heels for you. Having a crush on a popular isn't normal for me. I want us to work but you don't even try. I know you like me. I'm not retarded. I'm trying so hard to get this relationship on a roll but you put forth a tiny effort. You sat away from____ once and that's all you talk about when I mention your popular status. Yippe doo da. I think you want to stay popular and I can't change that. I'm sorry but please stop getting my hopes up.
With mixed emotions,
Dear ____,
You are unbeliveably cool! If you weren't popular we could sooo be friends. I think your one of the few nice guys on the planet. I don't have a crush on you or anything but you just rock. Did I tell you that you have awesome hair? Cuz it's true! I'm just excited that there's at least one good male on this planet. Your just too popular and obviously populars and me don't mix.
Keep in mind that you rock,
Dear ____,
Yeah you hurt me, multiple times but I'm finally over you. Leave me alone and stop gossiping about me to the cute blonde life gaurd dude at the city pool. Please stop coming around. I'm no longer your halfway house. The answer is no no matter what the question. I'm not loaning you money, I'm not gonna talk to some chick for you(that would hurt), and I'm not going to talk to one of your many skanky girlfriends. THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING! LET ME BE OR I'M PULLING OUT MY A.R!(AND I DON'T MEAN AN A.R BOOK I MEAN THE BIG SCARY GUN WITH A BIG OLD SCOPE. SINCE THERE'S LIKE NO KICK SO I'LL BE ABLE TO SHOOT OUT MORE ROUNDS! MOO HAHAHA!)
with absolutly no love,
Dear 22,
I love you. If you where a dude you would so be my boyfriend. You gave me my first bullseye and for that, I shoot you more often then my others. That and your not at all loud and I hate hate hate loud guns. Maybe Jerrod will get me a silencer for christmas. No! Off topic. The point is I love you and you need to know that. but you can't know anything since your a gun and you have no brain...never mind.
With love,
Dear Popular People,
Some of you are okay the rest of you hate my living guts. I get it. I'm not normal. I burst out in song in the most inappropriate situations, I'm a heck of a lot smarter than the vast majority of you, I can run faster than some of you, but I'm less athletic than all of you. I'm sick of your hateful words and I'm not afraid of being a snitch. The next one of you who gets on my nerves will pay for it. I'm sick of being bullied. I am a person and I refuse to be treated like the mud on your boots. I always thought I didn't matter. that I should just step back and let you all have the spot light. But now I'm not putting up with it. I matter. I will prevail! I AM WOMAN! (P.S ___, that's the reason I want you to stop hanging out with the populars. I could never hang with someone who was friends with the people who have it out to ruin my life.)
shutup and go away,
Your so awesome...but your popular. You keep telling me your gonna stop hanging out with those creeps but everyday at lunch you sit by the head popular,___. I really like you but you can't keep a promise. I doubt we'll ever be more than friends.I'm trying so hard not to fall head over heels for you. Having a crush on a popular isn't normal for me. I want us to work but you don't even try. I know you like me. I'm not retarded. I'm trying so hard to get this relationship on a roll but you put forth a tiny effort. You sat away from____ once and that's all you talk about when I mention your popular status. Yippe doo da. I think you want to stay popular and I can't change that. I'm sorry but please stop getting my hopes up.
With mixed emotions,
Dear ____,
You are unbeliveably cool! If you weren't popular we could sooo be friends. I think your one of the few nice guys on the planet. I don't have a crush on you or anything but you just rock. Did I tell you that you have awesome hair? Cuz it's true! I'm just excited that there's at least one good male on this planet. Your just too popular and obviously populars and me don't mix.
Keep in mind that you rock,
Dear ____,
Yeah you hurt me, multiple times but I'm finally over you. Leave me alone and stop gossiping about me to the cute blonde life gaurd dude at the city pool. Please stop coming around. I'm no longer your halfway house. The answer is no no matter what the question. I'm not loaning you money, I'm not gonna talk to some chick for you(that would hurt), and I'm not going to talk to one of your many skanky girlfriends. THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING! LET ME BE OR I'M PULLING OUT MY A.R!(AND I DON'T MEAN AN A.R BOOK I MEAN THE BIG SCARY GUN WITH A BIG OLD SCOPE. SINCE THERE'S LIKE NO KICK SO I'LL BE ABLE TO SHOOT OUT MORE ROUNDS! MOO HAHAHA!)
with absolutly no love,
Dear 22,
I love you. If you where a dude you would so be my boyfriend. You gave me my first bullseye and for that, I shoot you more often then my others. That and your not at all loud and I hate hate hate loud guns. Maybe Jerrod will get me a silencer for christmas. No! Off topic. The point is I love you and you need to know that. but you can't know anything since your a gun and you have no brain...never mind.
With love,
Dear Popular People,
Some of you are okay the rest of you hate my living guts. I get it. I'm not normal. I burst out in song in the most inappropriate situations, I'm a heck of a lot smarter than the vast majority of you, I can run faster than some of you, but I'm less athletic than all of you. I'm sick of your hateful words and I'm not afraid of being a snitch. The next one of you who gets on my nerves will pay for it. I'm sick of being bullied. I am a person and I refuse to be treated like the mud on your boots. I always thought I didn't matter. that I should just step back and let you all have the spot light. But now I'm not putting up with it. I matter. I will prevail! I AM WOMAN! (P.S ___, that's the reason I want you to stop hanging out with the populars. I could never hang with someone who was friends with the people who have it out to ruin my life.)
shutup and go away,
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The end of my twilight phase
Okay so not really.... But here's the deal. These books barely hold my attractions but I can't let go. I was hooked into it and now I can't stop even though their stupidity disgusts me. I read the books to make fun of them and I was lured in so I bought the next one and the next one and the next one. I thought they were a literary acheivment. Then I read them again with new intentions. To find the things that other people made fun of twilight for. I started finding my own. For example: in twilight S.Meyer refers to one of Edwards looks as "His dark glares". Dark is an adjective. An adjective always has it's opposite. (Ex. Fast and slow, hot and cold, wet and dry, good and bad, ugly and pretty so on and so on.) So if there is a dark glare there must be a bright glare. What would a bright glare be? (Not a glare as in off a window or glass a facial expression is what I mean in case that was unclear) You cannot have a bright glare. for glares are angery expressions and you cannot have A Happy Angery. So it is simply a glare. Not a dark nor bright glare. Just a glare. get it? Got it? Good? Okay another problem I had was with breaking dawn. There are only 3 days in a month that a woman can conceive. (as in get pregnant) You expect me to beleive that Ed and Bell could give THAT LITTLE OF AN EFORT and all of sudden BOOM! There's a baby in Bella. I also thought it was a little offensive. There are millions of woman who try and try to have babies but they are not fertile enough. Women live in fear of being unfertile and Bella who didn't even think it was possible, She was just tristing around with her husband, she didn't even want kids, and she gets pregnant. it has got to hurt those women who have no chance but Bella who didn't even want the chance got it and didn't even try. That is the most bothersome thing in this series to me. That kind of thing happens to one in a hundred woman and those are the real statistics. I know there are a lot of woman out there but still I mean come on! It isn't realistic for a woman to get pregnant the first few times. Like I said there only three days in a month and your lucky (if you want to have kids that is) if your on your period those 3 days. Tell me now you don't believe in a God. I mean coencidences only happen so much. That's a miracle that so many kids are born a year no less a day. Another thing I don't like about the twilight series is the fact that one book would have been enough. I mean I don't think there was a question whether Bella would be a vampire. I mean for goodness sakes she's fratinizing with vampires, she's gonna be bitten one way or another. So we did not need the vultori. S.Meyer, a sequel is to conclude to what was left hanging in the first. If you read Harry Potter you'll see J.K left things hanging and tied them up in the last book while adding little by little to it. She did not make up an entire new story just to go along with the books. She continued the novel. SHe didn't end it. "So harry potter lived happily ever after the end.." and then in the second book, "scratch that he forgot how to live happily because evil vampire newborns were chasing him all over forks and he was busy making out with werewolves." NO NO NO! You gave twilight an ending it needs no more as if anybody cared about Jacob. all they need to know was plainly written inbetween the lines..... Okay I have been ranting a while. I still sort of love twilight because it is a drug so I advise none of you read it. Okay peace out I love you all! wait no one reads this..... Okay well imaginary audience I love you! Oh and listen to flogging molly! BEST IRISH ROCK BAND EVER!!!!!
Peace out home cats!
Peace out home cats!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Okay! So most twilight fans know that Bella reads wuthering heights in (?eclipse?) I borrowed Shakesperes play of Julius Ceaser from my grandma. She must have forgotten that I had it or else she wouldn't have bothered me. I was at her house laying on her bed in mid afternoon. HGTV must have gone to comercial so she came to talk to me. She saw me reading the play and must've thought I had just pulled it off the shelf. She went to her cabniet and pulled out a book about an inch and 3/4ths thick. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte wa written on the cover. " This is good reads! " My grandma said laying it on the bed and she went out of the room. I laid my play aside and picked up the novel. I did my usual rituals when getting a new book. I read the back, I fanned the pages, I found out how many pages there where, I read the copyright page,I opened a random page and read it. I decided to read it. It took nearly 2 weeks to get through the first ten chapters. My favorite part of a book is the conflict. The beging of most books are so hard to read. Wuthering Heights was written in 1847. I was bored at the beginning for 3 reasons. 1. It was old english, 2. The main character had not come in yet, and 3. This romance had no romance yet! But I broke through and found the jackpot! I fel in love with this tale! I'm not finished yet but I'm a little over half. I've watch two versions of it and I'm high off it! When I this it means this book makes my emotions and senses get 100x stronger! Okay quote below! MAJOR SPOILER!
* .... And I pray one prayer. I repeat it till my tounge stiffens! Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living! You said I killed you - haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt there murderers. I believe - I know ghosts have wandered on earth! Be with me always - take any form - drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul! - Heathcliff on death of Catherine
Okay signing out! PEACE!
* .... And I pray one prayer. I repeat it till my tounge stiffens! Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living! You said I killed you - haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt there murderers. I believe - I know ghosts have wandered on earth! Be with me always - take any form - drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul! - Heathcliff on death of Catherine
Okay signing out! PEACE!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Romeo And Juliet...Real or a Work of Fiction?
Is Romeo and Juliet based on a true story?
A lot of women wish this tragic love is true. That a man can love a woman so much that he gives his life for her. A lot of people also wish this story were a work of fiction. The tragedy breaks peoples hearts. They don't want to hear about the death in the world. You might be suprised to find that this story is in fact very true. Verona, Italy is a real place and the palaces of the Capulets and Montagues are there and open for tourisim. The great William Shakeshpeare actually found the story in a book called The Tragidous Histories of Romeous and Juliet. Yes, my poetic role model altered this story. Even though this is not an original, this story of love would not be known if our Willy didn't make it into a play and slightly edit the names and characters.
A lot of women wish this tragic love is true. That a man can love a woman so much that he gives his life for her. A lot of people also wish this story were a work of fiction. The tragedy breaks peoples hearts. They don't want to hear about the death in the world. You might be suprised to find that this story is in fact very true. Verona, Italy is a real place and the palaces of the Capulets and Montagues are there and open for tourisim. The great William Shakeshpeare actually found the story in a book called The Tragidous Histories of Romeous and Juliet. Yes, my poetic role model altered this story. Even though this is not an original, this story of love would not be known if our Willy didn't make it into a play and slightly edit the names and characters.
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