Sunday, August 22, 2010

Letters to my classmates....

Dear ____,
Your so awesome...but your popular. You keep telling me your gonna stop hanging out with those creeps but everyday at lunch you sit by the head popular,___. I really like you but you can't keep a promise. I doubt we'll ever be more than friends.I'm trying so hard not to fall head over heels for you. Having a crush on a popular isn't normal for me. I want us to work but you don't even try. I know you like me. I'm not retarded. I'm trying so hard to get this relationship on a roll but you put forth a tiny effort. You sat away from____ once and that's all you talk about when I mention your popular status. Yippe doo da. I think you want to stay popular and I can't change that. I'm sorry but please stop getting my hopes up.

With mixed emotions,

Dear ____,
You are unbeliveably cool! If you weren't popular we could sooo be friends. I think your one of the few nice guys on the planet. I don't have a crush on you or anything but you just rock. Did I tell you that you have awesome hair? Cuz it's true! I'm just excited that there's at least one good male on this planet. Your just too popular and obviously populars and me don't mix.

Keep in mind that you rock,

Dear ____,
Yeah you hurt me, multiple times but I'm finally over you. Leave me alone and stop gossiping about me to the cute blonde life gaurd dude at the city pool. Please stop coming around. I'm no longer your halfway house. The answer is no no matter what the question. I'm not loaning you money, I'm not gonna talk to some chick for you(that would hurt), and I'm not going to talk to one of your many skanky girlfriends. THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING! LET ME BE OR I'M PULLING OUT MY A.R!(AND I DON'T MEAN AN A.R BOOK I MEAN THE BIG SCARY GUN WITH A BIG OLD SCOPE. SINCE THERE'S LIKE NO KICK SO I'LL BE ABLE TO SHOOT OUT MORE ROUNDS! MOO HAHAHA!)
with absolutly no love,

Dear 22,
I love you. If you where a dude you would so be my boyfriend. You gave me my first bullseye and for that, I shoot you more often then my others. That and your not at all loud and I hate hate hate loud guns. Maybe Jerrod will get me a silencer for christmas. No! Off topic. The point is I love you and you need to know that. but you can't know anything since your a gun and you have no brain...never mind.
With love,

Dear Popular People,
Some of you are okay the rest of you hate my living guts. I get it. I'm not normal. I burst out in song in the most inappropriate situations, I'm a heck of a lot smarter than the vast majority of you, I can run faster than some of you, but I'm less athletic than all of you. I'm sick of your hateful words and I'm not afraid of being a snitch. The next one of you who gets on my nerves will pay for it. I'm sick of being bullied. I am a person and I refuse to be treated like the mud on your boots. I always thought I didn't matter. that I should just step back and let you all have the spot light. But now I'm not putting up with it. I matter. I will prevail! I AM WOMAN! (P.S ___, that's the reason I want you to stop hanging out with the populars. I could never hang with someone who was friends with the people who have it out to ruin my life.)

shutup and go away,

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