Okay so not really.... But here's the deal. These books barely hold my attractions but I can't let go. I was hooked into it and now I can't stop even though their stupidity disgusts me. I read the books to make fun of them and I was lured in so I bought the next one and the next one and the next one. I thought they were a literary acheivment. Then I read them again with new intentions. To find the things that other people made fun of twilight for. I started finding my own. For example: in twilight S.Meyer refers to one of Edwards looks as "His dark glares". Dark is an adjective. An adjective always has it's opposite. (Ex. Fast and slow, hot and cold, wet and dry, good and bad, ugly and pretty so on and so on.) So if there is a dark glare there must be a bright glare. What would a bright glare be? (Not a glare as in off a window or glass a facial expression is what I mean in case that was unclear) You cannot have a bright glare. for glares are angery expressions and you cannot have A Happy Angery. So it is simply a glare. Not a dark nor bright glare. Just a glare. get it? Got it? Good? Okay another problem I had was with breaking dawn. There are only 3 days in a month that a woman can conceive. (as in get pregnant) You expect me to beleive that Ed and Bell could give THAT LITTLE OF AN EFORT and all of sudden BOOM! There's a baby in Bella. I also thought it was a little offensive. There are millions of woman who try and try to have babies but they are not fertile enough. Women live in fear of being unfertile and Bella who didn't even think it was possible, She was just tristing around with her husband, she didn't even want kids, and she gets pregnant. it has got to hurt those women who have no chance but Bella who didn't even want the chance got it and didn't even try. That is the most bothersome thing in this series to me. That kind of thing happens to one in a hundred woman and those are the real statistics. I know there are a lot of woman out there but still I mean come on! It isn't realistic for a woman to get pregnant the first few times. Like I said there only three days in a month and your lucky (if you want to have kids that is) if your on your period those 3 days. Tell me now you don't believe in a God. I mean coencidences only happen so much. That's a miracle that so many kids are born a year no less a day. Another thing I don't like about the twilight series is the fact that one book would have been enough. I mean I don't think there was a question whether Bella would be a vampire. I mean for goodness sakes she's fratinizing with vampires, she's gonna be bitten one way or another. So we did not need the vultori. S.Meyer, a sequel is to conclude to what was left hanging in the first. If you read Harry Potter you'll see J.K left things hanging and tied them up in the last book while adding little by little to it. She did not make up an entire new story just to go along with the books. She continued the novel. SHe didn't end it. "So harry potter lived happily ever after the end.." and then in the second book, "scratch that he forgot how to live happily because evil vampire newborns were chasing him all over forks and he was busy making out with werewolves." NO NO NO! You gave twilight an ending it needs no more as if anybody cared about Jacob. all they need to know was plainly written inbetween the lines..... Okay I have been ranting a while. I still sort of love twilight because it is a drug so I advise none of you read it. Okay peace out I love you all! wait no one reads this..... Okay well imaginary audience I love you! Oh and listen to flogging molly! BEST IRISH ROCK BAND EVER!!!!!
Peace out home cats!
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